Page 58 - The Dark Clan
P. 58
The Dark Clan
or would simply kill "useless" children without mercy.
With the spread of theistic religions, this degenerate
morality disappeared completely. Tenderness, compassion
and love replaced infanticide. Pre-Islamic Arab society is an
example of this. The Islamic religion forbids this horrific
practice categorically. God, in the Qur'an, ordered the
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to proclaim that
infanticide was prohibited:
Say: "Come and I will recite to you what your
Lord has made forbidden for you": that you do not
associate anything with Him; that you are good to
your parents; that you do not kill your children be-
cause of poverty – We will provide for you and
them; that you do not approach indecency – out-
ward or inward; that you do not kill any person
God has made inviolate – except with the right to
do so. That is what He instructs you to do so that
hopefully you will use your intellect. (Qur'an, 6:
In another verse of the Qur'an, God speaks of the irra-
tionality and sin of infanticide:
Those who kill their children foolishly without
any knowledge and make what God has provided
for them forbidden, inventing lies against God,
such people are lost. They are misguided. They
are not guided… (Qur'an, 6: 140)
In yet another verse of the Qur'an, God ordered
Muhammad (peace be upon him) to take an oath from
women who came to ally themselves to him, not to "kill their
children," besides the other oath of faith and morality
(Qur'an, 60: 12). To God, infanticide is an intolerable perver-