Page 63 - The Dark Clan
P. 63


                              Social Darwinism And The Dark Clan

                     As seen, Darwin's scientifically unsupported claim that
                 man and ape have a common ancestor, can lead man into a de-
                 generate morality in which even a violent act like rape be-
                 comes acceptable for mankind.
                     The perversion of homosexuality, a common practice in
                 the dark clan, presents a similar situation. In the Qur'an, God
                 reveals that the people of the Prophet Lut practised this per-
                 version and forbids it strictly. Today, those who portray this

                 perversion as normal and try to spread it, rely again on
                 Darwinism for this purpose. The claim that homosexuality is
                 genetic is an attempt to present this perversion as a normal, in-
                 nocent practice and constitutes yet another unfounded thesis.
                     The real issue here must be the correct understanding of
                 the term ethics. Contrary to the evolutionists claim, God cre-
                 ated man and taught humankind right from wrong via His

                 messengers and books of revelation. Ethics is based on God's
                 rules revealed in these books. At the same time, God has given
                 man a conscience which shows him righteousness and an op-
                 posite instinct (ego) that leads him to evil. Therefore, whatever
                 the social context, level of education, language, race or sex,
                 every human knows right from wrong. If he is a God-fearing
                 person, he will listen to the voice of conscience and do good,
                 but even if the opposite is the case, he will still know deep
                 down the wrong when it is committed. Thus, if a person does

                 wrong, it means that he knows it to be so and is prepared to
                 live with the consequences. God says:
                     By the soul and the One Who proportioned and in-
                     spired it with knowledge of depravity and with its
                     sense of duty, he who purifies it has succeeded, he who
                     covers it up has failed… (Qur'an, 91: 7-10)

                Darwinists suggest that homosexuality is genetic and produces many un-
                founded theories in order to create tolerance for this perversion.
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