Page 214 - Die Wahrheit über das Leben im Diesseits
P. 214
212 Die Wahrheit über das Leben im Diesseits
Endnoten 17 Orhan Hançerlioglu, Düsünce Tarihi
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Geographic Society, 1997, S. 8 Psychology of Seeing, Oxford
4 Blij, M.H.Glantz, S.L.Harris, University Press Inc. New York, 1990,
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Geographic Society, 1997, S. 8 21 Karl Pribram, David Bohm, Marilyn
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Geographic Society, 1997, S. 64 22 Paul Strathern, The Big Idea: Einstein
7 Blij, M.H.Glantz, S.L.Harris, and Relativity, Arrow Books, 1997, S.
Restless Earth, The National 57
Geographic Society, 1997, S. 18-19 23 Lincoln Barnett, The Universe and
8 The Guinness Book of Amazing Dr. Einstein, William Sloane
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15 R.L.Gregory, Eye and Brain: The 28 Jeffrey Bada, Earth, Februar 1998, S.
Psychology of Seeing, Oxford 40
University Press Inc., New York, 29 Leslie E. Orgel, “The Origin of Life
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Dr.Einstein, William Sloane 30 Charles Darwin, The Origin of
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