Page 318 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 318
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
40. Fitnah alienates people from the Qur'an:
Before the Last Hour, there will be fit nah (commotions) like pie ces of a
dark night in which a man will be a be liev er in the morn ing and an in -
fi del in the even ing, or a be liev er in the even ing and in fi del in the
morn ing. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
Surat al-An'am, 26 speaks of those who keep oth ers away from the
They keep oth ers from it and avoid it them selves. They are on ly
de stroy ing them selves but they are not aware of it. (Surat al-
An'am, 26)
The had iths al so in di cate that cor rupt pat terns of thought will be
prev a lent be fore the Judgment Day comes, and that sys tems far re moved
from truth and jus tice will come in to be ing. These de vel op ments will
cause great dis cord and draw peo ple away from the ways
of Allah.
Other had iths re veal that this fitnah (commotions)
will be dis sem i nat ed by var i ous prop a gan da and in doc -
tri na tion tech niques:
"At that time, in vit ers will call the peo ple to the
gates of Hell. Whoever heeds that call, they will
cast him in to Hell. "O Messenger of Allah, tell
us of the na ture of those in vit ers!" they said.
"Very well," he re plied, "they will be from our
na tion and speak in our tongue." (Death, The
Last Day, The Hereafter and The Signs of the
End Times, p. 382, no. 698.)