Page 319 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 319
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
In the near future, there will be some terrible fitnah that makes people
blind, deaf and mute and conceals the truth, that makes people deaf to
the truth, and mute, unable to speak the truth... In a state of tumult be-
cause of fitnah, the engagement of the tongue in fitnah and propagan-
da will enable it to spread like a stroke from a sword. (Death, The Last
Day, The Hereafter and The Signs of the End Times, p. 390, no. 720.)
The deaf en ing si lence im posed by this fitnah re minds one of the au -
thor i tar i an re gimes in pow er in many coun tries. These re gimes sup press
in tel lec tu al free dom of thought and pre vent peo ple from ex press ing
them selves and their be liefs as they wish. Muslims can not free ly ex press
their thoughts and are per se cut ed be cause of their be liefs, par tic u lar ly in
some Arab and African coun tries—one in stance of this state of af fairs.
41. The destruction of masjids and mosques:
The Sufyani will emerge from a dry valley... He will destroy madrassas
(religious schools) and mosques, and punish everyone bowing [ruqu']
and prostrating [sajda] themselves in prayer. (Ali ibn Husamaddin al-
Muttaki, Hadiths from Jalaluddin al-Suyuti's Classification: Signs of
the Mahdi of the End Times, Kahraman Publications, p. 35.)
Bomb attacks
on five
mosques in
July 31, 2009