Page 324 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 324

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                    A time will come when people will... adopt the views of people who make
                    innovations [bid'at–those who seek to impose things that do not belong
                    to the religion as if they actually do] and unknowingly fall into idola-
                    try, when they study knowledge for profit, and when they use their re-
                    ligion as a tool to obtain worldly goods. (Daylami; Hadiths Concerning
                    the End Times, p. 68.)

                  45. The oppression on true believers:

                    I swear that this community will suffer such [fierce] tribulations that
                    people will be unable to find anywhere to escape cruelty and oppres-
                    sion. At such a troubled time, Almighty Allah will send one [Hazrat
                    Mahdi (pbuh)] from my own line. (Death, The Last Day, The Hereafter
                    and the Signs of the End Times, p. 437.)

                    He will punish all those who prostrate themselves to pray... He will be
                    the enemy of Al-i Muhammad... (Ali ibn Husamaddin al-Muttaki, Ha-
                    diths from Jalaluddin al-Suyuti's Classification: Signs of the Mahdi of
                    the End Times, Kahraman Publications, p. 37.)

                    Here, one third of Muslims will be killed... (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-
                    Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 73.)

                  Another of the portents of the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) revealed
              in the hadiths is that at that time, Muslims will be subjected to great oppres-
              sion and difficulty. The situation in the Islamic world today is proof that this
              portent is coming about. From Indonesia to Palestine and from Chad to East
              Turkestan, Muslims are being persecuted. Some of the details regarding
              these difficulties are set out in the hadiths:

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