Page 325 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 325

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                - Despotic rulers:

                  Woe to this community, because of the cruel, murdering rulers. These
                  oppressors will terrify even those who remain silent, excepting only
                  those who obey them... (from Abu Nuaym; al-Suyuti, vol. II, p. 64.)

                  Leaders op press ing the peo ple is one of the signs of the Last Day. (Ala-
                  mat al-Qiyama, p. 143.)

                These hadiths indicate the rise of irreligious, despotic and ruthless
            rulers in certain Muslim countries prior to the coming of Hazrat Mahdi

                - The spread of atheist ideologies:

                  [One sign of the Last Day is] the rais ing of the voi ces of the wick ed in -
                  side mosques and the vic to ry and rule of sin ners over true be liev ers
                  who abide by the com mands of the re li gion. (Death, The Last Day, The
                  Hereafter and the Signs of the End Times, p. 450.)

                - Believers forced to hide their faith:

                In an oth er had ith, our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
            peace) states that in the End Times, all this per se cu tion will con strain true
            be liev ers to con ceal their faith and to wor ship in se cret:

                  A time will come when be liev ers will seek to main tain their faith in se -
                  cret among oth er peo ple, much as the hyp o crites live in con ceal ment
                  among you to day. (Ibn al-Sunni, Hadiths Concerning the End Times,
                  p. 12.)

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