Page 328 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 328
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
46. The degeneration of politicians:
One im por tant fea ture of this time is the emer gence of ruth less, cru -
el lead ers who lead their peo ples to dis as ter. The twen ti eth cen tu ry was
full of such peo ple—in di vid u als who adopt ed ide ol o gies far re moved
from the mor al val ues of re li gion. They be came no to ri ous for the cru el ties
they in flict ed and for the suf fer ings they caused due to war and oth er
con flicts. Mao had thou sands of cit i zens killed sole ly for op pos ing him,
and was re spon si ble for the deaths of mil lions dur ing his re gime. Under
the in flu ence of fas cist ide ol o gy, Mussolini led his peo ple to dis as ter by
drag ging his coun try in to World War II. Mobutu has gone down in his to -
ry as one of Africa's most ruth less dic ta tors.