Page 57 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 57

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                    Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and His Community
                             are Predetermined in Destiny

                A hu man be ing is no more than a spec ta tor of his own des ti ny and
            the world's. No one can change the course of that des ti ny. Similarly, mak -
            ing judg ments about that des ti ny, sub mit ting to or ob ject ing to it, can in
            no way al ter the prom is es Allah has set out in des ti ny. Whomsoever
            Allah choos es in destiny and determines as a ve hi cle where by re li gious
            mor al val ues are brought to rule the world, that in di vid u al will be Hazrat
            Mahdi (pbuh).
                Otherwise, nobody can stand up and claim to be the Mahdi. The
            rank of the Mahdi is not based upon claims to be him. Neither is it a rank
            that can be attained through hard work. In order for someone to be the
            Mahdi, that must be written in his destiny; he needs to have been created
            as the Mahdi.
                As set out in the hadiths and in analyses by Islamic scholars, Hazrat
            Mahdi (pbuh) will be known more by his actions than by his lineage.
            Hazrat Mahdi's (pbuh) and his community's main activity will be waging
            an intellectual struggle against atheism and spreading the true faith all
            over the world. Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is the one who will inflict an intel-
            lectual defeat on atheism, who will reveal the proofs of Allah's existence,
            and who, (by Allah's leave) by spreading moral values across the world,
            will be a means whereby people turn to faith. In the absence of these ac-
            tivities and phenomena, it is mean-
            ingless for any individual or
            group to make any claims about
            the identity of Hazrat Mahdi

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