Page 52 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 52
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
than His good pleas ure, who have ded i cat ed their lives and be long ings to
Allah, who have a great fear of and pas sion ate love for Him. They are the
true heirs of Allah for the do min ion of the mor al val ues of the true faith.
In conclusion, the fundamental requirement in Allah's promise of
dominion is true faith. The accounts of and references to dominion in the
Torah are not limited to any one particular nation. Muslims–in other
words, those who have surrendered to Allah–and anyone who truly be-
lieves without ascribing any equals to Him, becomes part of the commu-
nity of believers. "The People of Israel" was the name for this community
in the Torah. To put it another way, the "People of Israel" includes the sin-
cere, devout descendants of Jacob, and the true Muslims (who have sur-
rendered themselves to Allah) regardless of their descent.
The community chosen and promised dominion by Allah, as re-
vealed in verse 55 of Surat an-Nur, will possess the following qualities:
1) Believing in Allah,
2) Doing right ac tions,
3) Ascribing no equals to Allah, and
4) Worshipping Allah alone.
The do min ion prom ised by Allah is di rect ed to wards such a com mu -
ni ty. Otherwise, it could hard ly be ex pect ed that a peo ple de scend ed from
the People of Israel, but lack ing any de vout be lief, could rule the world.
Moreover, it is out of question for eth nic groups to have lived in close
prox im i ty over the course of cen tu ries with out in ter mix ing. Nor is it pos -
si ble for the lines of the Prophets Isaac and Ishmael, sons of the Prophet
Abraham (peace be up on them), to have sur vived in pure form. Obvious-
ly, what is be ing re ferred to is uni ty of be lief, not ge ne al o gy.
In the Book of Genesis (28: 7-10), it is revealed that the son of the
Prophet Isaac (pbuh) married the Prophet Ishmael's (pbuh) daughter.
This event described in the Torah represents a clear example of how lines
of descent became intermingled right from the outset. Furthermore, de-
scendants of the Prophets Isaac and Ishmael (peace be upon them) who