Page 51 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 51

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

            bring about the dominion of religious moral values are believers of sin-
            cere faith, who fear and respect Allah, who maintain the moral virtues He
            has commanded, who are obedient to Him, and who live by love and
            compassion. Dominion is promised to true believers, not to any particu-
            lar community or descent.
                It is a grave error for any to imagine that they have been promised
            dominion solely on the grounds that they were simply born Jewish or
            Christian. What matters is not his birth, but his devotion to Allah, to His
            Prophets and the moral values of the faith, and his obedience and sub-
            mission. If anyone denies the existence of Allah or fails to appreciate His
            might properly; if he fails to abide completely by religious moral values;
            if he does not believe in the Prophets or does not comply with their Sun-
            nah, then his race or line of descent is to of no advantage at all. If some-
            one who does not believe in Allah and has not truly surrendered to Him,
            it is irrelevant whether that person is descended from the Prophets Abra-
            ham, Jacob or Moses (peace be upon them). In any case, such a person has
            rejected the Prophets from whose very line he is descended. Merely being
            descended from the Prophets does not confer holiness on a person in the
            absence of true faith. The ancestry of someone who rejects the Prophets
            Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses (peace be upon them), who does not
            love and fear Allah, is of no importance in Allah's sight.
                Allah has re vealed in the Qur'an that fear [and re spect] of Allah is the
            on ly meas ure that con fers any val ue on some one in His sight:
                The no blest among you in Allah's sight is the one who most fears
                [and re spects] Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Surat al-
                Hujurat, 13)
                Another verse re veals the fin est out come that awaits those who fear
            and re spect Allah:
                ... So be stead fast. The best end re sult is for those who fear and re -
                spect Allah. (Surah Hud, 49)
                Those who fear and re spect Him are those who hope for such an out -
            come from Allah by striv ing on His path, who hope for no oth er re ward

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