Page 46 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 46
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
ed in the verse 85 of Surah Al 'Imran, "If
any one de sires any thing oth er than Islam
as a re li gion, it will not be ac cept ed from
Him..." That true faith in the eyes of Allah
is Islam.*
* Additional Statement:
Devout Jews refer to righteous Mus-
lims as the "B'nai Noah (The Children
of Noah.)" To put it another way,
Jews regard Muslims as people
who implement the command-
ments given to the Prophet
Noah (pbuh). Our Almighty
Lord reveals in the Qur'an
that what He revealed to the
Prophet Noah (pbuh) He also
revealed to the other Prophets
and our own Prophet (may
Allah bless him and grant him
He has laid down the same religion
for you as He enjoined on Noah: that which
We have revealed to you and which We enjoined on
Abraham, Moses and Jesus: "Establish the religion and
do not make divisions in it." What you call the associ-
aters to follow is very hard for them. Allah chooses for
Himself anyone He willsand guides to Himself those
who turn to Him. (Surat ash-Shura, 13)
For a Jew to regard a gentile (non-Jew) as a member of the
B'nai Noah means that he abides by the following provisions: