Page 43 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 43
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
This ex cel lent at trib ute of Muslims is re vealed in the Qur'an:
... those who, if We es tab lish them firm ly on the earth, will es tab -
lish the prayer and pay alms, and com mand what is right and for -
bid what is wrong. The end re sult of all af fairs is with Allah.
(Surat al-Hajj, 41)
The Features of the Community That is Promised
Dominion in the Torah
Allah has told the Jews that if they remain loyal to the true faith,
obey the Prophets and believe in Him alone, He will bestow leadership on
them. The characteristics of the servants to whom Allah has promised do-
minion are described in these terms in the Torah:
If you care ful ly safe guard and keep this en tire Mandate that I pre -
scribe to you to day, [and if you] love God, walk in all His ways, and
cling to Him... no man will be able to stand against you... I am setting be-
fore you today... the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God
that I am giving you today. (Deuteronomy, 11:22-27)
Devotion to Allah, scru pu lous im ple men ta tion of His com mand -
ments and love of Him are re vealed as pre con di tions for the do min ion of
the People of Israel. In the con tin u a tion of this pas sage from the Torah,
Jews are of fered two choi ces; bless ings if they choose faith, or trib u la tion
if they turn their backs on it:
You can there fore see that I am plac ing be fore you both a bless ing and a
curse. The bless ing [will come] if you obey the com mand ments of God
your Lord, which I am pre scrib ing to you to day. The curse [will come] if
you do not obey the com mand ments of God your Lord, and you go
astray from the path that I am pre scrib ing for you, fol low ing the gods
of oth ers, which you have not known. (Deuteronomy, 11:26-28)
The char ac ter is tics of the so ci e ty that is prom ised do min ion are al so
de scribed as fol lows in the Torah: