Page 39 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 39

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peo ples on earth
                will be bless ed through you and your off spring. (Genesis, 28:14)

                Parts of the Torah that describe how true believers of Allah will have
            leadership and responsibility on earth and how religious moral values
            will prevail in the End Times, the final age of this world:
                The Lord re plied, "I have for giv en them, as you asked. Nevertheless, as sure -
                ly as I live and as sure ly as the glo ry of the Lord fills the whole earth."
                (Numbers, 14:20-21)
                ... The meek will in her it the land and en joy great peace... for the pow er of the
                wick ed will be bro ken, the Lord up holds the right eous. The days of the
                blame less are known to the Lord and their in her it ance will en dure for ev er...
                (Psalm, 37:11, 17-18)

                All the ends of the earth will re mem ber and turn to the Lord, and all the
                fam i lies of the na tions will bow down be fore him, for do min ion be longs to
                the Lord. (Psalm, 22:27-28)

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