Page 42 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 42
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will in her it the
land. A lit tle while, and the wick ed will be no more; though you look for
them, they will not be found. (Psalm, 37:9-10)
... For the pow er of the wick ed will be bro ken, but the Lord up holds the
right eous... The wick ed will per ish: The Lord's en e mies will be like the beau -
ty of the fields, they will van ish—van ish like smoke. (Psalm, 37:17, 20)
Wait for the Lord and keep his way... The sal va tion of the right eous comes
from the Lord... The Lord helps them and de liv ers them; He de liv ers them
from the wick ed and saves them, be cause they take ref uge in him. (Psalm,
37:34, 39-40)
As these passages make clear, the "dominion" described in the Torah
is not that of one specific group or lineage over other communities, but
that of the moral values of the true faith–commanded to everyone by
Allah–over the world. However, expressions of praise for the believing
Jews in the Torah are the good news imparted to devout believers when
the Torah was revealed. Therefore, taking Torah passages referring to the
dominion promised to the People of Israel as the superiority of a certain
nation, without considering sincere faith in Allah, will not be a correct ap-
In fact, the con cept of "the do min ion of the mor al val ues of the re li -
gion (deen)," which ex ists in Islam and Judaism, is the erad i ca tion of evils
and dif fi cul ties stem ming from re li gious mor al val ues not be ing com plied
with on earth with the com mence ment of that com pli ance, and the spread
of mor al vir tues. Muslims hope that the mor al val ues com mand ed by
Allah–name ly, sol i dar i ty, jus tice, hon esty, loy al ty, mod es ty, for give ness
and com pas sion—will form the ba sis of re la tions be tween peo ple, and
con struct an en vi ron ment where in ev ery one com petes to be have in ac -
cord with mor al val ues to at tain Allah's pleas ure. The es tab lish ment of
such a cli mate will un doubt ed ly erad i cate all evils stem ming from the
lack of these vir tues. Muslims who share that un der stand ing aim not to
pos sess pow er and sov er eign ty, but to use any bless ings Allah be stows on
them in the fin est man ner in or der to spread the mor al val ues of the faith.