Page 44 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 44

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  ... God your Lord, is the Supreme Being. God is the faith ful, Who keeps in
                  mind [His] cov e nant and love for a thou sand gen er a tions when it comes
                  to those who love Him and keep His com mand ments. (Deuteronomy, 7:9-

                  ... Love the Lord your God, lis ten to His voice, and hold fast to
                  Him... He will give you many years in the land He swore... (Deuteronomy,
                  God will then grant you a good sur plus in all the work of your hands,
                  in the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your live stock, and the fruit of your
                  land. God will once again re joice in you for good, just as He re joiced in your
                  fa thers. All this will hap pen when you obey God your Lord, keep ing
                  all His com mand ments and de crees, as they are writ ten in this book
                  of the Torah, and when you re turn to God your Lord with all your
                  heart and soul. (Deuteronomy, 30:9-10)
                  Elsewhere in the Torah, it is revealed that dominion is promised to
              those who fear Allah:
                  Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord?... He will spend his days in
                  pros per i ty, and his de scend ants will in her it the land. The Lord con fides
                  in those who fear Him. (Psalm, 25:12-14)

                  Again in the Torah, it is re vealed that those who place their trust in
              Allah, who are hum ble, who take pleas ure from their be lief in Allah, will
              in her it do min ion and His bless ings:
                  Trust in the Lord and do good... Delight your self in the Lord and He
                  will give you the de sires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust
                  in Him... Those who hope in the Lord will in her it the land... The meek
                  will in her it the land and en joy great peace. (Psalm, 37:3-5, 9, 11)

                  ... If you keep the com mands of the Lord your God and walk in His
                  ways... The Lord will grant you abun dant pros per i ty—in the fruit of your
                  womb, the young of your live stock and the crops of your ground—in the
                  land he swore to your fore fa thers to give you. The Lord will open the good
                  treas ure in the heav ens, to send rain on your land in sea son and to bless all

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