Page 38 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 38

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  Therefore, the People of Israel, the People of Isaac and the People of
              Ishmael referred to in the Torah are all from the line of the Prophet Abra-
              ham (pbuh). All are descended from the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), one
              blessed by Allah. The holy personage who bears the title of "he who be-
              stows the path of salvation" in the Abrahamic religions–and who will ap-
              pear in the End Times as a means whereby the moral values of true belief
              come to rule the world–is also descended from the Prophet Abraham
              (pbuh). This means that Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) himself is descended from
              the Prophet Abraham (pbuh).

                        Allah Promises Dominion to the Line of
                               the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  Allah protected the two branches of the descendants of the Prophet
              Abraham (pbuh) in order for them to establish their dominion. In the End
              Times, He will unite the Imam al-Mahdi (pbuh) and the Prophet Jesus
              (pbuh) in order for that promise to be fulfilled. This period of dominion,
              revealed in the Qur'an and in the hadiths of our Prophet (may Allah bless
              him and grant him peace), is also promised in the Torah to a community
              descended from the line of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh):
                  I will bless you great ly, and in crease your off spring like the stars of the sky
                  and the sand on the sea shore. Your off spring shall in her it their en e mies'
                  gate; all the na tions of the world shall be bless ed through your de scend -
                  ants—all be cause you obeyed My voice. (Genesis, 22:17-18)
                  God said to Abraham:... I will make you in to a great na tion. I will bless you
                  and make you great; you shall be come a bless ing. I will bless those who bless
                  you, and he who curs es you, I will curse. All the fam i lies of the Earth will
                  be bless ed through you. (Genesis, 12:1-3)

                  I will make your de scend ants as nu mer ous as the stars of the sky, and grant
                  them all these lands. All the na tions on Earth shall be bless ed through your
                  de scend ants. (Genesis, 26:4)
                  Your de scend ants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out

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