Page 33 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 33

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                The names "Muhammad," which is that of our Prophet (may Allah
            bless him and grant him peace), and "Ahmad"– which indicate Hazrat
            Mahdi (pbuh) in the hadith – stem from the same verb in Arabic; Ahmad
            means "wor thy of the  hi ghest praise" or "the most  laud ed," while
            "Muhammad" means "praised over and over again." In terms of mean ing
            there fore, and as re vealed in the had ith, the two names are com pat i ble
            with one an oth er.
                One in dic a tive verse on this sub ject reads:

                ... I am the Messenger of Allah... giv ing you the good news of a
                Messenger aft er me whose name is Ahmad... (Surat as-Saff, 6)
                In Judaic sour ces, this in di vid u al who will es tab lish do min ion is re -
            ferred to as the Messiah (or "anoint ed king"). The im por tant thing, how e -
            ver, is not the name giv en to this per son, who may be called by var i ous
            names. What is cer tain is Allah's prom ise of the rule of the mor al val ues
            of Islam. There will be a com mu ni ty of true be liev ers and at their head, a
            ho ly in di vid u al who will be a means where by this comes about.

              The Messiah Awaited by the Jews and Hazrat Mahdi
                (pbuh) Awaited by Muslims are One and the Same
                                    Holy Personage

                The term "Messiah," also known as the "awaited savior" in the re-
            vealed faiths, is manifested as Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in Islamic belief. The
            system of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in Islam appears as the period of "Messi-
            ah" in Judaic scriptures. The Messiah whose coming the Jews anticipate
            for the salvation of mankind in the End Times is the same Hazrat Mahdi
            (as) awaited by Muslims.
                However, the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), whose second coming as the
            Messiah is awaited by Christians, is not Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Muslims
            also believe that the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will return to Earth during the
            End Times; however, when the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) does return, he will
            do so as a follower of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)–with whom, by Allah's leave,
            he will help Islamic moral values to prevail across the world.

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