Page 28 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 28

Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is a Descendant of the
                                    Prophet Abraham (pbuh)

                  Say, "We be lieve in Allah and what has been sent down to us and
                  what was sent down to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Ja-
                  cob and the tribes, and what Moses and Jesus were giv en, and
                  what all the Prophets were giv en by their Lord. We do not dif fer -
                  en ti ate be tween any of them. We are Muslims sub mit ted to Him."
                  (Surat al-Baqara, 136)
                  In ad di tion, all the Prophets through out his to ry have preached a re -
              li gious mo ral i ty–that of the on ly true faith in the eyes of Allah. The
              Prophets Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, Noah, Shuaib (peace be
              up on them all) and all the oth er Prophets all preached un con di tion al be -
              lief in Allah and called on peo ple to live for His ap prov al alone and to
              abide by His com mand ments. As one verse re veals:
                  He has laid down the same re li gion for you as He en joined on
                  Noah: that which We have re vealed to you and which We en -
                  joined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus. (Surat ash-Shura, 13)
                  As you see, the faith revealed to Jews and Christians is essentially
              the same, despite a few differences in stipulations. The members of all
              three faiths consider each other as the descendants of the Prophet Abra-
              ham (pbuh). For example, Muslims, Jews and Christians share a respon-
              sibility to abide by the pure faith of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh), ascrib-
              ing no equals to Allah.
                  Another verse of the Qur'an tells all believers how they have a duty
              to comply with the faith of the Prophet Abraham (pbuh):

                  They say, "Be Jews or Christians and you will be guid ed." Say,
                  "Rather adopt the re li gion of Abraham, a man of nat u ral pure be -
                  lief. He was not one of the pol y the ists." (Surat al-Baqara, 135)

                  In Jewish and Christian scrip tures, many ex pres sions, com mand -
              ments and eth i cal con sid er a tions bear the clos est sim i lar i ty to the Qur'an.
              (For de tailed in for ma tion, see A Call for Unity, by Harun Yahya.)

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