Page 24 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 24

The Little Man in the Tower


                                  THE TINY


                             INSIDE THE


              P            eople can be deceived by very convincing images, to the point

                           that they may assume that these images are "real."

                   The first motion picture show in history is an interesting illustration of
                this. In Paris in 1895, two French inventors, Auguste and Louis Lumière,
                beamed onto a screen the image of a train approaching a station. Even
                though the train was only two-dimensional, and appeared in flickering black
                and white, yet most of the audience in the hall fled in panic, because they
                believed the train was about to crush them!

                   As this example shows, one’s perception of any image as "real" is closely
                related to that image’s technical quality. Today, however, even more
                realistic cinematic effects can be achieved thanks to special glasses that

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