Page 29 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 29

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

                  Some photons’ frequencies lie
                between those of ultra-violet and
                infra-red rays. When these fall on
                the retinal layer at the back of our
                eyes, the cells there turn them into
                electrical signals. We then perceive
                these photons, which are actually
                particles, as "light." If the cells in
                our eyes perceived photons as
                "heat," then what we refer to as
                light, color and darkness would not
                                                    An ignited gas fire emits
                exist. When we looked at object,    infrared radiation, as well as
                we would perceive it as merely      light.
                "hot" or "cold."

                  It Is Not the Eye That Sees

                  We provide this technical information about various forms of radiation
                simply to explain that they don’t give rise to the effect known as "light."
                These radioactive particles strike, bounce, and give rise to physical and
                chemical effects that sometimes cause damage. Yet the effects they cause
                can never be referred to as light.

                  The only reason we describe some of these particles as "light rays" is that
                they’re perceived by our eyes. Photons falling on our eyes’ retinal layer are
                turned into electrical impulses by the receptor cells there. The optical nerves
                carry this electrical current to the visual center at the rear of the brain. This
                center interprets the current and gives rise to images.

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