Page 32 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 32

The Little Man in the Tower

                  The Three-Stage Wall between You

                  and the Outside World

                  Close inspection of these scientific facts reveals a most important fact:
               Never can we establish actual, direct contact with the outside world.

                  For example, when we sit watch television, we can never actually see the
               screen. All that reaches us is the photons emerging from the picture tube.
               These are not light, but only wave particles. Similarly, we "see" objects in
               the room by the photons they reflect, much like a tennis ball bounces off a
               wall and back toward us. In other words, even at this stage, we are already
               divorced from the television’s image itself.

                  When its photons reach our eyes and strike their retina, they are turned
               into electrical energy by the enzymes there. This constitutes yet another
               phase between the television and ourselves.

                  When nerves carry this electrical energy to the visual center in our brain,
               it changes form once again, taking the form we refer to as "images." This is
               the third stage. Just one single step is enough to break the connection
               between the television’s screen and ourselves, yet we are actually dealing
               with three.

                  To give an analogy, this is like playing the game of Telephone, also known
               as Chinese Whispers, with three different people in three interconnected
               rooms. Did the first person really say the sentence that is whispered into your
               ear, or did the second or third person change it around somehow? Did the third
               person make it up all by himself? You can’t ever be sure. You cannot even be
               sure what the first and second players really said at all.

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