Page 35 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 35
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
Facts such as these in the realm of sight, apply also to the senses of
hearing, touch, taste and smell. All of these impressions we perceive in
closed chambers in our brains (the centers of hearing, touch, taste and
smell). Never can we make direct contact with their originals in the outside
world. The sounds we listen to on the radio originate inside the hearing
center in our brains. There is actually no sound outside, merely physical
movements in the air that we refer to as "sound waves." After going through
various processes in the inner ear, these physical movements come to as us
electrical signals. Do the electrical signals we perceive as sound correspond
to anything outside, or not? We can never know. Returning again to the
example of the closed chamber, the audio aired to us of lions roaring in the
African jungles could really be sounds created artificially in a studio right
next to our chamber.
Our Body and Our Dreams
So far, in order to achieve a sounder grasp of this concept, we have
always referred to other objects. We can never perceive the "original" of a
television broadcast, nor listen to the "original" of a radio talk show. All
images, sounds, smells and tastes form in the relevant centers in our brains.
We live not in the world outside, but in a world inside ourselves.
One factor that makes this concept difficult to grasp is that people are
deceived on the subject of their own bodies. The arms and legs they see
when they look down and the perceptions of touch from all over the skin
lead them to perceive the world in a wholly mistaken way. Due to the sense
impressions they receive, they make the assumption that they are actually
living in an "outside world."