Page 30 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 30

The Little Man in the Tower

                  When we investigate this system, we arrive at a most interesting
               conclusion: In fact, our eyes have no ability to "see" at all. The eye is merely
               an intermediate organ that converts photons into electrical signals. It has no
               ability to understand and interpret. It is not the eye which regards at the
               bright world all around us. No sensations of light or color are formed in the

                  In order to better understand this concept, let’s consider the technical
               definition of sight in slightly more detail.

                  We give the name of a color to photons at various frequencies of
               vibration. Depending on those photons’ intensity of vibration, we refer to
               the visible effects they produce as red, blue or yellow. When all frequencies
               are combined together, the result is white. Snow appears white, because it
               reflects all the frequencies in sunlight, the combination of which produces

               In fact, our eyes have no property of "sight." The eye is merely an intermediary
               unit whose retina transforms the photons reaching it into electrical signals.

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