Page 61 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 61

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

               matter believe in a dimension of existence beyond matter, although they still
               think that matter has an "absolute" existence and that the other dimension of
               being is only relative. This error lies beneath such widespread concepts as
               "metaphysics" and "the supernatural." People who maintain such beliefs
               think that matter exists absolutely and that Allah is somewhat like radio
               waves (Allah is surely beyond what they ascribe to Him). Superstitious
               beliefs such as Allah being "in the sky" or somewhere else in the universe
               are outgrowths of the identical error.

                  Both these utterly mistaken viewpoints stem from a failure to
               comprehend the true nature of the world. As Allah reveals in the Qur’an:

                    … He [Allah] grants victory to whoever He wills. He is the
                    Almighty, the Most Merciful. That is Allah's promise. Allah does
                    not break His promise. But most people do not know it. They know
                    an outward aspect of the life of this world, but are heedless of the

                    Hereafter. ( Surat ar-Rum: 5-7)

                  In these verses, the word "outward" is a translation of the Arabic zahir.
               The concept of zahir refers to external appearance. In contrast, there is also
               the concept of batin, meaning the essence of things which is not externally
               visible, or their internal aspect, or inward meaning.

                  Unbelievers know only the external appearance of the world, which is
               why they cannot grasp the existence of Allah and His dominion over all that
               exists. Some who deny Allah are materialists, others—semi-materialists—
               believe in His existence, but are unable to comprehend His might. In the
               Qur’an Allah refers in detail to those who believe in His existence, but
               cannot comprehend His infinite might and dominion over all, for which
               reason they ascribe various partners to Him.

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