Page 66 - The Little Man in the Tower
P. 66
The Little Man in the Tower
Everyone who understands that matter is an illusion, that space is a
perception in our minds, and that he lives in a world created by Allah in the
sphere of imagination and perceptions, will be vouchsafed many more
secrets. Unlike most other people, he will be saved from the confusion of
struggling to understand "causes" (the events and entities created by Allah).
He will resort only to active prayer, which is the only true cause. He will
know that in truth, both good and evil come from Allah, and will pray to—
and seek help from—Him in all matters. He will not be consumed by desire
for goods and property because he knows that he can only make contact with
the perceptions of the material possessions that people so magnify in their
own eyes—for instance, grand houses, luxury cars, expensive clothes and
social and political prestige—inside his mind. He will attach no value to
them, knowing that Allah has created these splendid-looking adornments as
tests. He gives them and takes them away, from whomsoever He wishes.
Anyone who understands that matter and space are illusions is freed from
fearing any entity other than Allah. Everything he sees is a perception
created by Allah, and no one can do anything to him without Allah’s willing
it. Allah is the only being worthy of fear. Anyone who understands that will
have attained the superior moral values of the prophets, as described in the
following verse:
[Allah praises] those who convey Allah’s Message and fear Him,
fearing no one except Allah… (Surat al-Ahzab: 39)