Page 48 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 48
needs, to have evolved from "sweat", as claimed above. Mother's milk is
a substance specially regulated according to the needs of a baby, and it is
moderated depending on each phase within a plan. Everything a baby
needs is found in the mother's milk just when it needs to be. For instance,
the day the baby needs potassium, is the same as the day the mother's
milk is rich in potassium. This specialization is true for all the other
materials the baby needs throughout its development. It is obviously
impossible for such a nutriment to have formed by unconscious
By the same token, the other component of the above claim, the story
of "the evolution of reptile scales into mammal furs", is clearly at odds
with scientific facts. Scales and fur have completely different structures:
1. Fur is follicular; that is, it grows out of a sac. Scales, on the other
hand, are plate-like structures within the skin. In addition, scales develop,
grow and are shed in a completely different way from that of fur. They
definitely have nothing in common.
2. There is no scientific evidence suggesting that fur evolved from
scales. Evolutionists have no fossil evidence to prove this claim, just as
they can put forth no logical mechanism to account for this
This is not the only unscientific "tale" put forth as to the imaginary
transformation of reptiles into mammals. Every evolutionist has a "story"
of his own. Similarly, quite a few imaginary scenarios have been
produced as to how dinosaurs evolved into birds. One of these scenarios
holds that some dinosaurs started to fly as they chased flies. Another
argues that dinosaurs developed wings as they jumped from one tree to
the next. Finally, science was wont to "prove" these scenarios produced by
the imagination of the evolutionists. Thus far, a great number of scientists
have conducted research into how dinosaurs could have started to fly as
they ran or jumped from tree branches, and spent years to show how
scales turned into bird feathers. Well-known evolutionist and
ornithologist, Alan Feduccia, is one of these scientists, who spent his life
working on the subject. Having spent 25 years searching for a link
between dinosaurs and birds, Feduccia offered the following confession:
Well, I've studied bird skulls for 25 years and I don't see any similarities