Page 53 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 53
Religion Helps Science T o Be Rightly Guided
Richard Leakey and Alan Walker.
the "origin of man" are caught in Two scientists who have been
searching for evidence of
a quandary: all research carried
evolution in the field of
out to discover a half-ape/half- paleontology for years, having
spent much of their lives to this
human creature has been a
end. Both evolutionists have not
complete waste of time. yet been able to find what they
have been looking for.
It must be mentioned that
fossil excavations are carried
out under very difficult conditions and require large budgets. Excavations
conducted for the last 1,5 centuries, in regions such as African deserts, by
crowded teams of researchers, maintaining camps for months under the
scorching sun, and with budgets over billions of dollars, have not
presented any concrete results. Well-known fossil researcher, Richard
Leakey, and renowned science writer, Roger Lewin, made the following
confession regarding the inconclusiveness of these studies:
If someone went to the trouble of collecting into one room all the fossil
remains so far discovered of our ancestors (and their biological
relatives) who lived, say, between five and one million years ago, he
would need only a couple of large trestle tables on which to spread
them out. And if that were not bad enough, a not unusually
commodious shoe box would be more than sufficient to accommodate
the hominid fossil finds of between fifteen and six million years ago! 26