Page 60 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 60


              sacrifice. Carrying out long drawn-out experiments and observations in
              the laboratory, for a premise which they know will come to nothing, and
              only to discover that the direct opposite of the hypothesis they want to
              prove is correct, is certainly quite upsetting for such scientists.
                In his book, Darwin's Black Box, where he discusses the scientific
              invalidity of Darwinism, noted American biochemist, Michael Behe,
              describes the psychology of the evolutionist scientists confronted by the
              reality of "design" apparent in the living cell:

                                        Over the past four decades modern
                                         biochemistry has uncovered the secrets of
                                          the cell. The progress has been hard won. It
                                            has required tens of thousands of people
                                             to dedicate the better parts of their lives
                                              to the tedious work of the laboratory…
                                               The result of these cumulative efforts
                                                to investigate the cell – to investigate
                                                 life at the molecular level – is a
                                                  loud, clear, piercing cry of
                                                   "design!" The result is so
                                                   unambiguous and so significant
                                                   that it must be ranked as one of
                                          the greatest achievements in the history of
                science. This triumph of science should evoke cries of "Eureka" from
                ten thousand throats.
                But, no bottles have been uncorked, no hands clapped. Instead, a
                curious, embarrassed silence surrounds the stark complexity of the cell.
                When the subject comes up in public, feet start to shuffle, and breathing
                gets a bit labored. In private people are a bit more relaxed; many
                explicitly admit the obvious but then stare at the ground, shake their
                heads, and let it go like that. Why does the scientific community not
                greedily embrace its startling discovery? Why is the observation of
                design handled with intellectual gloves? The dilemma is that while one
                side of the [issue] is labeled intelligent design, the other side must be
                labeled God. 31

                Some evolutionists in the scientific community have admitted to
              suffering such desperation. For instance, evolutionist paleontologist, Dr.

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