Page 62 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 62


              These individual examples show what science has suffered by pursuing a
              false theory. For decades, the knowledge, time, energy, work, laboratory,
              assistants and financial resources of thousands of scientists have been
              wasted in a bogus attempt to support the myth of evolution.
                More interestingly, not only the evolutionists of our day, but also
              Charles Darwin, the founder of the theory, often fretted about "spending
              his time for nothing", and that "he will be disappointed at the end".
              Darwin repeatedly talked about his worries over this point in his letters
              to his friends or in his articles. In one of these, he confessed that there is
              no evidence in nature to support his theory:
                All nature is perverse and will not do as I wish it. 35

                Darwin's lack of self-confidence is also manifest in his following words:
                Nevertheless I doubt whether the work (of writing The Origin of Species)
                                     was worth the consumption of so much time. 36
                                           Obviously, a fallacious theory, if
                                          advocated purely for ideological reasons,
                                          also causes distress and desperation in its
                                          proponents. Such are the inevitable
                                            consequences of setting science on an
                                             erroneous course.

                                             The Losses Evolutionist
                                             Frauds Have Caused For
                                               As evolutionists were unable to
                                             discover evidence in support of their
                                            theory, now and then, they deceived
                                              humanity by distorting their scientific

                                                   Saying, "I doubt whether the
                                                   work was worth the
                                                   consumption of so much
                                                   time", Darwin stated his lack
                                                   of faith in his attempts to
                                                   prove the theory of evolution.

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