Page 78 - The Qur'an Leads the Way to Science
P. 78
to conform to certain expectations in order to
Scientific American be promoted, to receive his/her MD or
September 1999
Ph.D., or to have his articles published in
scientific journals. The number one
condition required is to accept the
theory of evolution unconditionally.
For this reason, some scientists are
forced to uphold Darwinist myths
which they may actually reject,
disregarding the signs of
creation. In an article published
in the Scientific American
magazine, in the September
1999 issue, titled "Scientists
and Religion in America", University of
Washington sociologist Rodney Stark points out the pressures imposed
on scientists:
There's been 200 years of marketing that if you want to be a scientific
person you've got to keep your mind free of the fetters of religion. …In
research universities, the religious people keep their mouths shut. And
the irreligious people discriminate. There's a reward system to being
irreligious in the upper echelons. 50
Another facet of the systematic struggle waged by materialists against
science is the propaganda methods we mentioned earlier. Central to this
propaganda are mottoes such as "religion conflicts with science", or
"science has got to be materialist". Now let us see why these claims are
illogical and unsustainable.
The Medieval Church's Reaction Against Scientists
Anti-religionist circles commonly use the errant practices and reactions
of the Medieval Church as a weapon against religion. It is said that the
Church retarded Europe and caused it severe misery. Implicit in these
efforts is the attempt to associate the Medieval Church with religion, and
to deliver the message that "if religion prevails, we will be buried in the