Page 113 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 113
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
catethis plain and easy command, and concerned themselves with all sorts
of trivial details which were not required. The related verses read:
And when Moses said to his people, "Allah commands you to sacri-
fice a cow," they said, "What! Are you making a mockery of us?"
He said, "I seek refuge with Allah from being one of the ignorant!"
They said, "Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what it should be like."
He said, "He says it should be a cow, not old or virgin, but some-
where between the two. So do as you have been told."
They said, "Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what colour it
should be."
He said, "He says it should be yellow, a rich yellow, a pleasure to all
who look."
They said, "Ask your Lord to make it clear to us what it should be
like. Cows are all much the same to us. Then, if Allah wills, we will
be guided."
He said, "He says it should be a cow not trained to plough or irrigate
the fields—completely sound, without a blemish on it."
They said, "Now you have brought the truth."
So they sacrificed it—but they almost did not do it. (Surat al-Baqara:
As related in the above account, some people among the tribe of the
Prophet Moses (pbuh) constantly raised objections against the commands
of Allah. Only when the command became almost non-practicable, due to
the petty details they begged for, they relented. In fact, the command was
quite plain: sacrifice a cow.
Rebellion of Some of the Children of Israel Against the
Command of Allah
Upon the departure of the Children of Israel from Egypt, Allah
promised them a homeland in which to dwell. Much has been said about
the objections raised against the Prophet Moses (pbuh) during this journey
in the previous pages. This tendency of theirs persisted until the time they
arrived in the Promised Land: