Page 114 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 114


                   Remember when Moses said to his people, "My people! Remember
                   Allah's blessing to you when He appointed Prophets among you
                   and appointed kings for you, and gave you what He had not given
                   to anyone else in all the worlds! My people! Enter the Holy Land
                   which Allah has ordained for you. Do not turn back in your tracks
                   and so become transformed into losers."
                   They said, "There are tyrants in it, Moses. We will not enter it until
                   they leave. If they leave it, then we will go in." (Surat al-Ma'ida: 20-22)
                   Allah's help had always been with the Children of Israel. Allah saved
              them from Pharaoh by parting the sea and then gave them a land.
              Furthermore, He promised a definite victory, provided they waged a war
              against the tyrannical tribe dwelling there. They should have put their trust
              in Allah and followed His messenger. Instead, some of them did not heed
              the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) warnings and were fearful. Only two among the
              lot of them stated that they would put their trust in Allah and enter the land:
                   Two men among those who were afraid, but whom Allah had
                   blessed, said, "Enter the gate against them! Once you have entered
                   it, you will be victorious. Put your trust in Allah if you are believ-
                   ers." (Surat al-Ma'ida: 23)
                   Despite such warnings, some of the Children of Israel opposed the mes-
              senger of Allah, and displayed a very reprehensible morality towards him:
                   They said, "We will never enter it, Moses, as long as they are there.
                   So you and your Lord go and fight. We will stay sitting here." (Surat
                   al-Ma'ida: 24)
                   The insolence of some among the people of the Prophet Moses (pbuh)
              became aggravated to such an extent that they began to actually ignore the
              words of their prophets and openly objected to them. Therefore, the
              Prophet Moses (pbuh) pleaded our Lord and asked Him to save him and his
              brother, the Prophet Aaron (pbuh) from this insolent people:
                   He (Moses) said, "My Lord, I have no control over anyone but my-
                   self and my brother, so make a clear distinction between us and
                   this deviant people."
                   He (Allah) said, "The land will be forbidden to them for forty years
                   during which they will wander aimlessly about the earth. Do not

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