Page 119 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 119

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             that behind what appear to be evil events, Allah may bestow certain bless-
             ings through them. The sinking of a boat for no apparent reason, or the
             killing of a child who has not committed any crime, may appear to be evil
             deeds when assessed without sufficient understanding. However, as related
             in the above story, there is good and wisdom behind these events ordained
             by Allah, which are neither obvious nor immediately comprehensible.
             People should think about the good inherent in everything that befalls them
             in their every-day lives. Behind many events considered to be evil by peo-
             ple in our day, there are surely Divine purposes created by Allah. If a per-
             son remains patient and strives sincerely to grasp their Divine purposes,
             Allah may well make him comprehend their hidden meanings.

                                                                     The River Nile

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