Page 29 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 29

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                                ENTRANCE INTO

                        THE COUNTRY OF MIDIAN

                         HIS SETTLEMENT THERE

                           he Prophet Moses (pbuh) left behind Pharaoh and his peo-
                           ple, and set off to Midian. (Midian is a region beyond the
                 T Sinai desert to the east of Egypt, corresponding to the
             southern end of Jordan today.)
                 At the water of Midian, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) encountered two
             women who could not water their flocks out of wanting to avoid other
             shepherds. But, as the verses of the Qur'an relate, outwardly, the Prophet
             Moses (pbuh) appeared as a highly decent and trustworthy person. Thus,
             the women did not hesitate to approach him. They explained that they had
             to graze their father's flocks for him since he was an old man, but that they
             couldn't because of the shepherds. Then, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) helped
             the women by leading their flock to the water:
                 When he arrived at the water of Midian, he found a crowd of people
                 drawing water there. Standing apart from them, he found two
                 women, holding back their sheep. He said, "What are you two doing
                 here?" They said, "We cannot draw water until the shepherds have
                 driven off their sheep. You see our father is a very old man." So he
                 drew water for them... (Surat al-Qasas: 23-24)
                 The verses provide an example of the courteous and benevolent char-
             acter of the Prophet Moses (pbuh); he approaches two strangers, helped
             them, and earned their respect. On the other hand, it is to be understood

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