Page 34 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 34
Allah relates this fact in the Qur'an as "We are nearer to him than
his jugular vein." (Surah Qaf: 16) After telling the Prophet Moses (pbuh)
that the voice he hears belongs to our Lord, Allah asked him about his staff:
"What is that in your right hand, Moses?" He said, "It is my staff. I
lean on it and beat down leaves for my sheep with it and have oth-
er uses for it." (Surah Ta-Ha: 17-18)
No doubt Allah had known what the Prophet Moses (pbuh) held in his
hand. However, to edify the Prophet Moses (pbuh) and make known His
wisdom to him, Allah asked him to throw down his staff:
"Throw down your staff." Then when he saw it slithering like a
snake he turned and fled and did not turn back again... (Surat an-
Naml: 10)
When the Prophet Moses (pbuh) saw his familiar staff turned into a
snake, he was seized with fear. However, this event was created to be a les-
son by which Allah taught the Prophet Moses (pbuh) to feel no fear except
for Him, and to submit to no one other than Him:
…"Have no fear, Moses. In My Presence the Messengers have no
fear." (Surat an-Naml: 10)
He said, "Take hold of it and have no fear. We will return it to its
original form." (Surah Ta-Ha: 21)
In compliance with the command, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) picked
up his staff. This staff would later become a miracle used against Pharaoh.
Thereafter, Allah gave the Prophet Moses (pbuh) a second miracle:
Put your hand inside your shirt front. It will emerge pure white yet
quite unharmed… (Surat al-Qasas: 32)
As the verse above relates, the second miracle Allah granted to the
Prophet Moses (pbuh) is the emergence of the Prophet Moses' (pbuh) hand
pure white, as a miracle from Allah. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) became ex-
cited and felt frightened by these things. However Allah commanded him
not to fear and go forth with these miracles to Pharaoh:
…And hug your arms to your sides to still your fear. These are two
proofs from your Lord for Pharaoh and his ruling circle. They are a
deviant people. (Surat al-Qasas:32)