Page 90 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 90


                   We should note that the behavior of the disbelievers were very similar
              to that of satan. Satan displayed the imprudence of refusing to obey Allah
              despite acknowledging His existence and thus displayed a reprehensible at-
              titude. In like manner, the people of Pharaoh rejected submitting to Allah
              and His messenger, despite their acknowledgement of the fact that these
              disasters came from Allah. Ultimately, they acknowledged the existence of
              Allah, but nevertheless rejected submitting to Him due to their arrogance
              and blind adherence to the deviant religion of their ancestors.
                   For a long time, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) warned his tribe and com-
              municated to them the religion of Allah. Furthermore, he effected a series
              of miracles as signs from Allah. Allah sent down many disasters to these
              people, so that they might turn to Him: however, none of the idolaters
              abandoned their polytheistic religion or turned to our real Lord, Who creat-
              ed them. In the Qur'an, Allah informs us that despite all of the Prophet
              Moses' (pbuh) efforts, Pharaoh resisted him:
                   In Moses, too, there was a sign. We sent him to Pharaoh with clear
                   authority. But he turned away with his forces... (Surat adh-
                   Dhariyat: 38-39)
                   Rebuffed by this firm refusal, the Prophet Moses (pbuh) prayed to our
              Lord to inflict torment upon this rebellious nation:
                   Moses said, "Our Lord, You have given Pharaoh and his ruling cir-
                   cle finery and wealth in the life of the world, Our Lord, so that they
                   may be misguided from Your Way. Our Lord, obliterate their wealth
                   and harden their hearts so that they do not have faith until they see
                   the painful punishment."
                   He (Allah) said, "Your request is answered, so go straight and do
                   not follow the way of those who have no knowledge." (Surah
                   Yunus: 88-89)
                   Allah answered the prayer of the Prophet Moses (pbuh). Pharaoh and
              his people, who did not accept the path of righteousness despite all warn-
              ings, met a "painful punishment." Their end was representative of their
              attitude, having been buried with all their possessions.

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