Page 94 - The Prophet Moses (pbuh)
P. 94


              An ancient Egyptian fresco depicting Pharaoh's soldiers in a parade.

              cient time and opportunity to everybody to ponder over the reason for their
              existence on earth, to understand that they are here to be servants to Allah
              and the way they are to serve Him. Allah's messengers, Divine revelations,
              and believers, convey the commandments of Allah to mankind. There is
              enough time to consider these messages and reminders, and finally, to seek
              refuge in Allah's mercy. If, however, a man does not  take the time he has
              been allotted and attempts to repent only at the moment he meets his
              death—unless otherwise willed by Allah—his repentance is worthless.
              Because, at the moment of death, a person can clearly sense the reality and
              proximity of the Hereafter, and bears witness to this truth when he con-
              fronts the angels of death. At that point, a person can no longer reject the
              truth. What is important, however, is to exercise one's conscience and be
              sincere while one is still living in this world, that is, while he is being test-
              ed. Throughout his trial period, Pharaoh conducted himself disrespectfully

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