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                   1  Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God. Whe eling, IL, Se arch light Pub -  30   Hugh Ross, The Fin  gerp rint of God: Re cent Sci en ti fic Dis co ve ri -
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                   2  The Anthro pic Prin cip le: Laws and En vir no ments. The Anth ro pic  for nia, Pro mi se Pub lis hing, 1991, s. 129-132.
                      Prin cip le, F. Ber to la and U.Cu ri, ed. New York, Camb rid ge Uni -  31   F. Press, R. Si ever, Earth, New York: W. H. Fre eman, 1986, s. 4.
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                   3  Davi es, P. 1984. Su per for ce:The Se arch for a Grand Uni fi ed The -  33   F. Press, R. Si ever, Earth, New York: W. H. Fre eman, 1986, s. 4.
                      ory of Na tu re. (New York: Si mon & Schus ter, 1984), s. 243.  34  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 121.
                   4  Heeren, F. 1995. Show Me God. Whe eling, IL, Se arch light Pub -  35  James J. Lo ve lock, Ga ia, Ox ford: Ox ford Uni ver sity Press, 1987,
                      li ca ti ons, s. 233.           s. 71.
                   5  Fred Hoyle, The In tel li gent Uni ver se, Lon don, 1984, s. 184-185.  36  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 127.
                   6  Will ford, J.N. March 12, 1991. Si zing up the Cos mos: An At ro -  37  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 128.
                      no mers Qu est. New York Ti mes, s. B9.  38-  Mic ha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 51.
                   7  Pa ul Da vi es, Su per for ce: The Se arch for a Grand Uni fi ed The ory  39   Ian M. Camp bell, Energy and the At mosp he re, Lon don: Wi ley,
                      of Na tu re, 1984, s. 184.      1977, s. 1-2.
                   8  Bi lim ve Tek nik, say. 201, s. 16 (Sci en ce der gi sin den ter cü me).  40  Geor ge Gre ens te in, The Symbi otic Uni ver se, s. 96.
                   9  Step hen Haw king, A Bri  ef His  tory Of Ti me, Ban tam Press, Lon -  41  Geor ge Gre ens te in, The Symbi otic Uni ver se, s. 96-97.
                      don: 1988, s. 121-125.        42  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 62, 69.
                   10  Guth A. H. "Inf la ti onary Uni ver se: a pos sib le so lu ti on to the ho -  43  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 55.
                      ri zon and flat ness prob lems", in Physi cal Re vi ew D, 23. (1981),  44  Encyclo pa edia Bri tan ni ca, 1994, 15th ed., cilt 18, s. 203.
                      s. 348.                       45  Lawren ce Hen der son, The Fit ness of the En vi ron ment, Bos ton:
                   11  Paul Da vi es. God and the New Physics. New York: Si mon &  Be acon Press, 1958, s. 105.
                      Schus ter, 1983, s. 189.      46  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 32.
                   12  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 11.  47  Harold J. Mo ro witz, Cos mic Joy and Lo cal Pa in, New York:
                   13  Geor ge Gre ens te in, The Symbi otic Uni ver se. New York: Wil li am  Scrib ner, 1987, s. 152-153.
                      Mor row, 1988, s. 21          48  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 33.
                   14  Paul Da vi es, "The Un re aso nab le Ef fec ti ve ness of Sci en ce", Evi -  49  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 35.
                      den ce of Pur po se, edi ted by John Marks Temp le ton, 1994, The  50  Mic ha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 35-36.
                      Co ti nu um Pub lis hing Com pany, New York, s.49.  51  Mic ha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 115-116.
                   15  Geor ge Gre ens te in, The Symbi otic Uni ver se, s. 43-44.  52  Ir win Fri do vich, "Oxy gen Ra di cals, Hydro gen Pe ro xi de, and
                   16  Paul Da vi es. The Fi nal Three Mi nu tes, New York: Ba sic Bo oks,  Oxy gen To xi city", Free Ra di cals in Bi ology, (ed. W. A. Pryor),
                      1994, s. 49-50 (Hoy le'dan alın tı).  New York: Aca de mic Press, 1976, s. 239-240.
                   17  Paul Da vi es. The Ac ci den tal Uni ver se, Camb rid ge: Cam bird ge  53  Fred Hoy le, Chand ra Wick ra  ma sing  he, Evo lu ti on from Spa ce,
                      Uni ver sity Press, 1982, s. 118 (Hoy le'dan alın tı).  New York, Si mon & Schus ter, 1984, s. 148.
                   18  Fred Hoyle, Re li gi on and the Sci en tists, Lon don: SCM, 1959; M.  54  W. R. Bird, The Ori gin of Spe ci es Re vi si ted, Nash vil le: Tho mas
                      A. Co rey, The Na tu ral His tory of Cre ati on, Mary land: Uni ver sity  Nel son Co., 1991, s. 305.
                      Press of Ame ri ca, 1995, s. 341.  55  Ali Demir soy, Ka lı tım ve Ev rim, An ka ra: Me tek san Ya yın la rı,
                   19  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny: How the Laws of Bi ology Re -  1984, s. 61.
                      ve al Pur po se in the Uni ver se, The New York: The Free Press,  56  Fabbri Bri tan ni ca Bi lim An sik lo pe di si, c. 2, say. 22, s. 519
                      1998, s. 12-13.               57  David Ra up, "Conf licts Bet we en Dar win and Pa le on to logy", Bul -
                   20  Paul Da vi es. The Ac ci den tal Uni ver se, Camb rid ge: Cam bird ge  le tin, Fi eld Mu se um of Na tu ral His tory, Cilt 50, Ocak 1979, s.
                      Uni ver sity Press, 1982, Ön söz.  24.
                   21   Hugh Ross, The Cre ator and the Cos mos: How Gre atest Sci en ti -  58  Richard Mo nes tarsky, "Myste ri es of the Ori ent", Dis co ver, Ni san
                      fic Dis co ve ri es of The Cen tury Re ve al God, Co lo ra do: NavP ress,  1993, s. 40.
                      re vi sed edi ti on, 1995, s. 122-123.  59  Richard Daw kins, The Blind Watch ma ker, Lon don: W. W. Nor -
                   22  Jast  row, R. 1978. God and the Ast ro no mers. New York, W.W.  ton 1986, s. 229.
                      Nor ton, s. 116.              60  Doug las J. Fu tuy ma, Sci en ce on Tri al, New York: Pant he on Bo -
                   23  Geor ge Gre ens te in, The Symbi otic Uni ver se, s. 64-65.  oks, 1983. s. 197.
                   24  Roger Pen ro se, The Em pe ror's New Mind, 1989; Mic ha el Den -  61   Frank B. Sa lis  bury, "Do ubts abo ut the Mo dern Synthe tic The ory
                      ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, The New York: The Free Press, 1998, s. 9.  of Evo lu ti on", Ame ri can Bi ology Te ac her, Eyl.l 1971, s. 336.
                   25  Micha el Den ton, Na tu re's Des tiny, s. 262.  62  Paul Au ger, De La Physi que The ori que a la Bi olo gie, 1970, s.
                   26  Mishu rov, Y.N. and L.A. Ze ni na. 1999. Yes, The Sun is Lo ca ted  118.
                      Ne ar the Co ro ta ti on Circ le. Ast ro nomy & Ast roph si ca 341: s. 81-  63  Leslie E. Or gel, "The Ori gin of Li fe on Earth", Sci en ti fic Ame ri -
                      85.                             can, c. 271, Ekim 1994, s. 78.
                   27  Peter D. Ward and Do nald Brown lee, "Ra re Earth: Why Comp -  64  John Horgan, "In the Be gin ning", Sci en ti fic Ame ri can, c. 264, Şu -
                      lex Li fe is Un com mon in the Uni ver se".  bat 1991, s. 119.
                   28  G.W. Wethe rill, "How Spe ci al is Ju pi ter?", Na tu re, vol. 373,  65  Do ug las R. Hofs tad ter, Gı del, Esc her, Bach: An Eter nal Gol den
                      1995, s. 470.                   Bra id, New York: Vin tage Books, 1980, s. 548.
                   29  Inna nen, Kim mo, S. Mik ko la, and P.Wi egert. 1998. The Earth-  66  Hoimar Von Dith furth, "Dinozor ların Ses siz Gecesi", Alan Yayın -
                      Mo on System and the Dyna mi cal Sta bi lity of the In ner So lar Sys-  cılık, c. 2, s.126.
                      tem. The Ast ro no mi cal Jo ur nal 116: s. 2055-2057.  67  Mic hael Den ton, Nature's Des tiny, s. 228.
                           ... Sen Yü ce sin, bi ze öğ ret ti ğin den baş ka bi zim
                             hiç bir bil gi miz yok. Ger çek ten Sen, her şe yi
                               bi len, hü küm ve hik met sa hi bi olan sın.
                                         (Ba ka ra Su re si, 32)

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