Page 137 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 137

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                    machine will go on projecting images on the screen, but he knows
                    that it is only light projected through the film onto the screen. What
                    is seen on the screen is not real, but yet it is there. He may watch the
                    movie, or he may decide to close his eyes and ears and stop looking
                    at the screen. Have you ever watched a movie, when at some point
                    the reel got stuck or there was a power failure? What happens to you
                    when you watch an interesting, absorbing film on the television and
                    then suddenly there are commercials? You are snapped out of the il-
                    lusion to the world around you.
                    When you are sleeping and dreaming, and someone wakes you up,
                    you feel thrown out of one world to a different one. It is the same in
                    the life we call reality. It is possible to wake up from it.  77
                    Just as in dreams, the world we inhabit consists of illusory im-
                 ages, illusory smells, tastes and feelings. One may, of course,
                   awake from this dream before this life comes to an end and see
                     the true facts. Awakening from this dream, realizing that this
                       world is not reality, will enable one to understand that the
                        true reality is the Hereafter. Someone who comprehends
                         the Hereafter becomes aware of the transitory nature of
                          this world, knows that he needs to attain Allah’s ap-
                           proval in order to achieve salvation in the Hereafter,
                             and begins striving to that end. This is one of the
                              facts that will bestow countless blessings on a per-
                              son in this world and in the Hereafter.
                                   People who wake on the Day of Resurrection
                               are described in verses:

                               The Trumpet will be blown. That is the Day of
                               the Threat. Every self will come together with
                                a driver and a witness: “You were heedless of
                                this, so We have stripped you of your cover-
                                 ing, and today your sight is sharp.” (Surah
                                 Qaf, 20-22)

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