Page 166 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 166

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                     what it means to be a human being. I don’t think we’ve arrived at
                     that point yet. I don’t think we’re quite awake yet. I think we are all
                     still asleep—dreaming, hoping, wishing—mechanically relying on
                     our intellect to lead us out of the morass in which we constantly find
                     ourselves. When we can use our heart and our spirit as well as our
                     brain, that’s when science will begin to adapt to a new world order. 110
                     Wolf is emphasizing that science is simply a vehicle for under-
                standing the creation that pervades the universe. That sublime cre-
                ation belongs to Allah alone. Allah, the Lord of all, is the only ab-
                solute Entity. Human beings can see what He has created by using
                their brains, and science can discover them and understand the art-
                istry and sublimity in them. Science is only a means of reaching
                Allah’s works and seeing the details in them.
                     Another writer to have realized this is Craig Hamilton, editor
                of the journal What Is Enlightenment?:

                     But as years passed, and my inbred agnosticism gradually gave way
                     to a committed spiritual quest, I soon began to have experiences of a
                     deeper reality, far beyond anything described in my science text-
                     books. In the face of this unfolding world of meaning, purpose, and
                     mystery, the notion that science held the keys to ultimate truth began
                     to seem increasingly hard to accept . . . .

                     Yet when I see evolutionary biologists using the unproven dogmas
                     of neo-Darwinian theory to convince our kids that they live in a pur-
                     poseless universe, my sympathies toward science start to fade once
                     again.  111

                     It is important that materialist scientists should be aware of
                this fact, because the question “Who is it who perceives?” has only
                one answer, and that answer is no longer a physical one. It is the
                  soul bestowed on man by Allah that perceives. So long as peo-
                  ple fail to realize this or behave as if they did not, none of their
                  statements or descriptions regarding consciousness are of any
                      consequence. The evidence so clearly revealed by quan-

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