Page 169 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 169

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 soul he possesses makes him human. This soul belongs to Allah
                    The famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, a colleague of
               Sigmund Freud, made the following statement on the subject:

                    All science however is a function of the soul, in which all knowledge
                    is rooted. The soul is the greatest of all cosmic miracles, it is the con-
                    ditio sine qua non [an essential condition] of the world as an object. It
                    is exceedingly astonishing that the Western world (apart from very
                    rare exceptions) seems to have so little appreciation of this being
                    so. 114

                    With the soul he possesses, man is an entity endowed with
               such concepts as honor, love, respect, friendship, loyalty and hon-
               esty, and is able to hold and oppose ideas. In the same way that

                                                  Consciousness does not reside any-
                                                  where in the body. Man is an entity
                                                  beyond all materialist concepts. Man
                                                   is metaphysical, and becomes hu-
                                                    man through the soul he possess-
                                                      es. That soul belongs to our
                                                       Lord, Almighty Allah, alone.

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