Page 20 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 20
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
tems that rejected belief in Allah were,
similarly, rooted in materialism. In oth-
er words, materialism was the most in-
fluential religion of atheism.
Stanley Sobottka, a professor of
physics from Virginia University, de-
Stanley Sobottka
scribes the perversion of materialism in
these terms:
If we believe this way [believe in materialism], we must conclude
that everything, including ourselves and all of life, is governed com-
pletely by physical law. Physical law is the only law governing our
desires, our hopes, our ethics, our goals, and our destinies. Matter
and energy must be our primary focus, the object of all of our desires
and ambitions. Specifically, this means that our lives must be fo-
cused on acquiring material goods (including bodies), or at least re-
arranging or exchanging them, in order to produce the maximum
material satisfaction and pleasure. We must expend all of our energy
in this quest, for there can be no other goal. And in all of this, we
have no choice, because we are totally governed by physical law. We
may feel trapped by these beliefs and desires, but we cannot shake
them. They totally dominate us.
A succinct, personalized, summary statement of materialist philoso-
phy is, “I am a body.” 1
In Ancient Greece, materialists held that religious adherents
were illogically opposed to science. For that reason, materialists
throughout history have sought to give the impression that belief
in Allah and science are incompatible. In fact, however, science has
increasingly showed evidence of His existence, and those discov-
eries worked against the materialist mindset that fought against
belief in Allah.
This included Darwinism, of course. The struggle against
Darwinism is basically an attack on its materialist origins.