Page 24 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 24
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
So while looking out at it leaves us in awe, when we consider the
microworld of subatomic matter, it’s even worse. There, nothing ex-
ists in spades, so to speak. 6
At the beginning of the 20th century, it was known that there
was a giant empty space inside the atom, which was regarded as
the smallest component of all things, and that this space contained
a nucleus and electrons revolving around it. However, only the
general lines of matter—the atom and its fundamental parts—were
understood. So what was there in the atomic nucleus, in a space
just 10 -18 kilometer in size, or one millionth of a millionth of a mil-
lionth of a kilometer? That was something unknown to scientists.
In the 1960s, a most significant scientific discovery was made.
It was realized that in the depths of the proton, there were particles
known as quarks. These extraordinarily minute particles caused
protons to have a positive electric charge, and neutrons to have no
charge. Research eventually revealed the presence of a gloriously
complex world in what comprised just 0.0000001 of the atom.
The more that materialists descended into the depths of the
atom and the more extraordinary details they saw in matter’s
smallest building block, the more they sought some solution by de-
veloping their theory in another direction. In order for the entire
universe to form unconsciously and haphazardly, they had to ex-
plain how not just atoms but also the world inside the atom,—in
other words, the motions of sub-atomic particles—had come into
being. The idea that matter was the only thing that existed sur-
vived in the materialist mind, until the discovery of quantum