Page 29 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 29

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 wave-like properties. Particles such as the electron and proton al-
                 so had wavelengths. In other words, inside the atom—which ma-
               terialism described as absolute matter—there were non-material
               energy waves, contrary to materialist belief. Just like light, these
               minute particles inside the atom behaved like waves at times, and
               exhibited the properties of particles at others. Contrary to materi-
               alist expectations, the “absolute matter” in the atom could be de-
               tected at certain times, but disappeared at others.
                    This major discovery showed that what we imagine to be the
               real world were in fact shadows. Matter had completely departed
               from the realm of physics and was headed in the direction of meta-
               physics.  10
                    The physicist Richard Feynman described this interesting fact

               Max Planck proposed “quantum theory” in the early 20th century, announcing that
               light had both wave-like and particle-like properties.

                                       Hot objects, such
                                       as the filament of
                                       a lightbulb, give
                                          out light.

                                                                Light sometimes
               Light sometimes                                behaves as a stream
              behaves as a wave.                                 of particles.

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