Page 210 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 210
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
propaganda has persisted without interruption, even though it is
known to be unscientific since the beginning of the 20th century—
since quantum physics’ discovery of matter’s true essence. Matter,
on which foundation their theories and philosophies were based,
has disappeared, but this has still brought no new realization to
Darwinist and materialist circles.
This may be a punishment inflicted on them by our Lord in re-
turn for their denial of Him. Allah may have withheld their at-
tribute of being entities possessed of a soul for as long as they de-
ny their own existence as eternal souls. No doubt that Allah knows
best. In one verse He tells us that:
Do not be like those who forgot Allah, so He made them
forget themselves. Such people are the deviators. (Surat al-
Hashr, 19)
For that reason, it is a grave error for anyone who has under-
stood the true nature of matter and who has realized the “self” to
be deceived by Darwinist fictions or to admit that any hollow ma-
terialist claims might be true. Anyone who can see the evidence of
the soul they possess and realize the existence of an Almighty and
All-Powerful Creator of all things, will become an entity with su-
perior capacities to reason, too elevated to be taken in by Darwinist
deceptions. By means of it, such a person appreciates Allah’s su-
preme might and knows that he has an eternal soul created out of
nothingness. He is amazed at the vivid, matchless world that his
soul is made to perceive—the artistry of Allah Who created it as an
intensely amazing illusion. He also knows that this world is not the
true home of his eternal soul and that he must strive to attain that
true home, as promised by Allah.
The true abode of the soul is the Hereafter, which has been
created for all souls, for all the human beings who have ever
lived. Humans will be confronted by infinite blessings or suf-
fering in the Hereafter. The life of this world, which