Page 207 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 207
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
narios on the subject, much less explain it in terms of any physi-
cal evidence. Advanced scanning devices, the products of mod-
ern technology, have dashed materialists’ expectations of any re-
gion or process in the brain that gives rise to intelligence. No ma-
terialist account of human intelligence has been produced.
The reason why materialist mindsets engage in such quests is
the failure to understand the true concept of consciousness. Failing
to understand that they have a soul, they do not act in the aware-
ness of that fact—which is the sole reason for their espousal of
Darwinism. Were they aware of the extraordinary nature of their
own consciousness—an entirely metaphysical reality—they would
realize that they possess a soul and it would be impossible for them
to be Darwinists.
Darwinists maintain that the human eye’s irreducible com-
plexity evolved by chance, and that human beings also developed
their vision by chance. They regard human beings, who see colors,
are able to perceive their surroundings and to interpret them, as the
end product of coincidental interactions between cells. They claim
that the cells of the eye catching the light outside and the existence
of the brain are enough to let us perceive a brightly colored world.
Yet they fail to understand that this organ must open and close, de-
tect and perceive images, make conscious decisions of where to
look and, in short, behave in accordance with the dictates of
the soul.
No Darwinist admits to sensing
the consciousness within him. It
is impossible to feel it and still
remain a Darwinist. It is im-
possible to claim that
this consciousness
within consists sole-