Page 203 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 203
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
its own brain in the laboratory, makes discoveries, solves prob-
lems, rejoices in its successes, composes and writes books, have
possibly come into being as the result of unconscious coincidences?
What random chemical event could teach a human being to behave
properly, to be considerate of the welfare of others? As a result of
what random phenomenon can a human being possess the ability
to learn something, remember it, teach it to others and to rule na-
tions, to rejoice, grieve, become emotional, surprise, worry or make
plans? What unconscious phenomenon could make human beings
capable of taking instant and logical decisions in moments of diffi-
culty? Could the unconscious atoms in the brain possibly turn an
animal into a human who constructs skyscrapers, makes airplanes,
manufactures computers, voyages into space by discovering and
solving mathematical formulae and who designs robots resem-
bling himself?
How could a bacterium have developed into human beings
who have founded glorious civilizations all over the world and
produced such extraordinary technologies?
Evolutionary theoreticians need to an-
swer all these questions, and more. They
must explain how coincidences and random,