Page 225 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 225

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 was actually a form of energy. His mathematical formula for this
                 was the famous E=mc .  143  An entity with mass appears solely as
               a form of energy. Peter Russell has made this statement:

                    Even the notion of mass is questionable. In his General Theory of
                    Relativity, Albert Einstein showed that mass and acceleration are in-
                    distinguishable. A person in an elevator feels lighter when the eleva-
                    tor accelerates downwards, and heavier when it decelerates to a halt.
                    This is no illusion, scales would also show your weight to have
                    changed. What we experience as mass is the resistance of the ground
                    beneath our feet to our otherwise free fall towards the center of the
                    Earth. According to Einstein, we are being continually decelerated,
                    and interpret that as mass. An astronaut in orbit experiences no
                    mass—until, that is, he bumps into the wall of the spacecraft and ex-
                    periences a temporary deceleration.   144

              Imagine a police officer on a motorbike catching up to a speeding car.
             In Newton's                                How can the story of the police of-
             view,                                      ficer be so different to yours, as
             the dri-                                   you watched from the pavement?
             ver of                                     The reason is that time slowed
             the car will                               down for the officer.
             appear station-
             ary from the          If you watch this scene from the
             police officer’s      pavement, both will appear to be  According to
             perspective.          moving very fast.              Einstein, however,
                                                                  time varies. As you
                                                                  accelerate, so time
             Let us now replace the car with a light beam.        moves more
                                                    According     slowly. A sec-
                                                    to New-       ond on Earth
                                                    ton, time     is not the
                                                    is uniform    same as a sec-
                                                    in the en-
                      If the police officer moved at a            ond anywhere
                      speed close to that of light, you  tire uni-  in space.
                      could see him approach at al-  verse. A
                      most light speed. But when you  second on
                      asked him later, he would say  Mars is
                      that no matter how much he ac-  the same
                      celerated, the light beam still  as one on
                      moved at the usual speed of   Earth.

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