Page 230 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 230
Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
the future have already done so in the dimension of timeless-
In the Sight of Allah, everything from the moment of the cre-
ation of the universe to the Last Day, when the universe will come
to an end, is already over and finished with. One main reason why
people are unable to understand this concept properly is that they
are unaware of it. The fact is that events “that have not yet taken
place” have simply not yet been experienced within our perceptu-
al world.
Allah is unfettered by time and space. He creates time and
space out of nothing. He has no need to wait in order to see the re-
sult of an event. Its beginning and end all take place in a single mo-
ment in His sight. The past and present are all laid out before Him
and develop in the manner determined by Him.
Dr. Jim al-Khalili described this fact during a program broad-
cast on BBC radio:
If you take this block of 4-D space/time literally, it means you have
to abandon free will. It means not only is the future pre-ordained,
but it’s already there, it’s already happened. There’s no point in mak-
ing any decisions, whatever you do has already happened. If I
choose to drop this stone into a pond, I think of it being my own
free choice. But of course in 4-D space/time, I
In the sight of Allah,
from the mo-
ment of the
creation of the
universe right up
to the Last Day when
the universe will come to
an end, has already taken
place and is over and done with.
Allah is unfettered by space and
time. He is the Creator of space and
time. All events are but “a single moment”
in His sight. Past and future are always ready
formed before Him and take place as determined
by Him.